Entrepreneur at heart, Frank has been intrigued by the world of business since his teens. Having taken his first steps as an entrepreneur in the insurance and financial services business at age 21, he achieved success by devoting himself and reinventing the industry for the benefit of his customers. Today, Frank leads Integrated Capital with pride and humility, enjoying every minute of it as he did when he first started. He works with the companies within the group on a daily basis, conveying his passion and demonstrating his leadership through action.
Born to an Italian family established in the province of Quebec for 4 generations, child of a Quebecois mother, raised and educated in Ontario, Frank feels at home in Quebec. With 20 years of experience, he now shares his expertise and determination with entrepreneurs to contribute to their success and integrate them into his vast business network.
Frank’s purpose is anchored in a profound need to give. This is why he’s eager to pass on his experience to a new generation of business builders,
Frank is actively involved in many different ways:
With Purpose Comes Passion Which in Turn Delivers Results
With the philosophy that “With purpose comes passion which in turn delivers results”, Frank is proud to instill his personal values in his professional activities on a daily basis. Transparency, generosity, integrity and passion are at the heart of all his entrepreneurial undertakings. With the conviction that these values lead to success, he chooses his partners based on the human connection he has established with them. Frank strongly believes that mutual respect between collaborators is the key to a successful association.
Based in Laval, Sylvie and Frank raise their two sons and their daughter by integrating their core values to their family life. Interested in everything that surrounds him, attentive to others by nature, both these attributes serving him well in business, Frank is equally attentive when it comes to his family. Even Jackson, the house’s English bulldog knows how to benefit from his attention!